Accidents are the #1 cause of death in children under 14. Each year, over 1 million young children are exposed to potential poisons. The good news? These tragedies are preventable.

Let's prioritize child safety by equipping our kids with the knowledge they need to protect themselves.

The Poison Prevention Basics

  • Mother and child having a conversation at the kitchen tablePoisons are everywhere. Common poisons are found in our medicine cabinets, the cleaning products under our sinks, and even in our backyard.
  • Poisons can be sneaky. Different types of poisons might look, smell, and taste harmless. Think about medicine that resembles candy or mouthwash that smells like mint.
  • Poisons can hurt you in different ways. You can ingest them, inhale them, spill them on your skin, or get them in your eyes.
  • Just because someone looks fine doesn't mean they're okay. Some poison exposure symptoms don't show right away and can take time to appear. It's important to always err on the side of caution. Early action can make a big difference in preventing serious harm.

The Power is in Your Hands

  • Post the Poison Help hotline everywhere: 1-800-222-1222. This number connects you to your local poison control center 24/7. Registered nurses and pharmacists are available around the clock to offer free poison assistance to anyone who calls.
  • Lock it up. Keep potential poisonous substances out of the reach of children and in child-resistant packaging and containers.
  • Educate your kids. Teach them what poison is, how it can hurt them, and what to do if they suspect a poisoning.

What to Do in a Poisoning Emergency

  1. Take away the poison. If it's safe to do so.
  2. Provide basic first aid. Give water if ingested, wash the skin or flush eyes if exposed, and move to fresh air if inhaled.
  3. Call for help. Dial the poison center at 1-800-222-1222 or call 911. Stay calm and explain what happened.

The Bottom Line

Poison prevention is a team effort. By educating ourselves and our kids, we can prevent tragedies and keep our homes safe. Remember, the poison control experts are always just a call away.

Let's Discuss

  • What's your plan for keeping potential poisons out of reach?
  • How will you teach your child about the Poison Help hotline?
  • Have you posted the poison control number in visible spots around your home?

If you suspect a poisoning, call the Poison Control Number at 1-800-222-1222.