Welcome to Iowa Poison Control Center's presence on the worldwide web. The Iowa Poison Control Center is a non profit public health service jointly sponsored by UnityPoint Health and University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. This site and all associated trademarks are owned and maintained by the Iowa Poison Control Center.

Terms and Conditions

Please read this agreement entirely and carefully before accessing this web site. By accessing the site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below.


Iowa Poison Control Center's Web Site is an online information and communication service that the Iowa Poison Control Center provides to the community for educational purposes only. The information provided should in no way be taken to be the provision or practice of medical, nursing or healthcare diagnosis, advice or services. Iowa Poison Control Center has used reliable sources in an effort to provide broad consumer understanding and knowledge of poison related topics. This information should not be considered complete or to be a substitute for a call to the poison center or advice from your physician or other healthcare providers, as necessary. If you have specific health-related questions, please call the Iowa Poison Control Center. If you have a health problem, or think you may, please consult your own physician. Do not depend on the information presented on this site, as each individual case is different.

Except for information, products or services clearly identified as being supplied by Iowa Poison Control Center, the Iowa Poison Control Center does not operate, control or endorse in any way information, products or services on the Internet.

In accessing this web site and the Internet generally, you assume all responsibility and risk for use. While Iowa Poison Control Center takes reasonable measures to protect its web site, Iowa Poison Control Center cannot guarantee that files available for downloading will be free of contaminating or destructive properties. Users are responsible to implement sufficient procedures to protect themselves and their own computer systems.

Links to other web sites are provided as a service to you. However, you must understand that other sites are neither managed nor controlled by Iowa Poison Control Center. While Iowa Poison Control Center makes reasonable efforts to include other sites that provide relevant information, neither Iowa Poison Control Center nor its employees, agents or contractors, review, control or take responsibility for the content of these sites.

This web site is provided without warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to, those of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement or any warranty arising from a course of dealing, usage, or trade practice. Iowa Poison Control Center will not be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you or anyone else in reliance upon the information provided.

On-line conduct

You agree not to use this service for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by this agreement. We reserve the right to deny access to any part of this service at our sole discretion. You are personally responsible for the material that you send.

Consents and Copyrights


 All trademark, logo or copyrighted material contained within these pages is the sole property of Iowa Poison Control Center. Any reproduction or redistribution of this material beyond personal use is prohibited without the express written consent of Iowa Poison Control Center. Any reproduction of illustrations or photographs appearing on these pages beyond personal use is strictly prohibited, unless prior written authorization is obtained from Iowa Poison Control Center.