The IPCC can help you with questions about household products, drugs (prescription, over-the-counter, herbal, illegal, or animal medicines), chemicals at work or in the environment, snake bites, spider bites, and plant and mushroom poisonings. Services are available for the hearing impaired and non-English speaking. The ISPCC is the official poison control center for the State of Iowa and is one of 55 nationally accredited poison centers in the nation.

The Iowa Poison Control Center (IPCC) provides free 24-hour immediate treatment advice for poison emergencies through a national toll-free telephone hotline,


We also provide information about poisons and poison prevention. 

Your call to the Iowa Poison Control Center will be answered 24 hours a day by highly-trained registered nurses and pharmacists who are certified specialists in poison information. The specialists work under the direction of physicians who are board-certified in medical toxicology. 

Nearly 90% of the public calls are managed over the telephone in the home. 

This helps avoid costly and unnecessary emergency department visits. You can reach the Iowa Poison Control Center or the poison center in your area by dialing the national toll-free hotline, 1-800-222-1222 from anywhere in the U.S.

We have poison prevention brochures, telephone stickers, magnets, and other printed materials written in various languages that we can mail to you to promote awareness of poison prevention and to increase utilization of poison control services.  DVDs are also available for teaching pre-school children about poisons. Click “Order Materials” to place your order.

The Iowa Poison Control Center is funded by the State of Iowa, Iowa hospitals, federally funded grants, and private donations


Our Mission Statement:

To reduce illness, deaths, and costs associated with poisoning by providing 24-hour emergency telephone advice, poison prevention information, and education.

We would personally like to welcome you to the IPCC website where you can find free, valuable information for your home, workplace, and environment. We are proud to serve as your poison control center and we are committed to providing a quality poison control service for the state of Iowa. Feel free to contact us anytime and remember, help is just a phone call away (1-800-222-1222).